Artificial Intelligence

Explore AI Fundamentals: Understand the basics of AI, including machine learning and data analysis.

Develop Coding Expertise: Learn essential coding skills to program intelligent systems.

Engage in Creative Problem-Solving: Apply AI concepts to real-world scenarios, fostering innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Join our AI Microdegree to set your child on a path to becoming an AI whiz, ready to take on the technological challenges of tomorrow!
Beginner AI Course

Understanding of AI and concepts of Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.

Beginner Python Course

Introduction to text based programming using Python.

AI Foundational Course

Using Python and python packages to understand data engineering and AI domains.


Artificial Intelligence Microdegree program is carefully designed to develop a technical bent in your child giving enough exposure to AI concepts as well as coding.

Class Enrollment

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