Robotics Advanced
Explore Complex Robotics: Delve into advanced mechanical design, building intricate and intelligent robots.
Advanced Coding Techniques: Tackle more challenging coding concepts, vital for complex robotic programming.
Problem-Solving at a Higher Level: Engage in projects that demand strategic thinking and advanced problem-solving skills.
Step into Robotics Advanced and watch your child transform into a confident, skilled creator, ready to lead in the technological revolution.
Expert Mechanical Engineering Course
Advanced course in mechanical engineering for experts, covering intricate design principles, cutting-edge technology, and practical applications.
Expert Autonomous Robotics Course
Cutting-edge algorithms, technology, and practical applications for expertise in autonomous systems and robotics.
Master Robotics Course
In-depth theory, programming, and hands-on applications for advanced proficiency in robotics engineering.
Robotics Microdegree program is carefully designed to develop a technical bent in your child giving enough exposure to mechanical design as well as coding.
Robotic Flag Hoist
Rack and Pinion Mechanism
Steering with Gears
Dumper Robot
Robo Drag
Archery Bot
Long Range Catapult
Demo Day Milestone 1
Plant Watering System
Digital Locker
Color Line Follower I
Obstacle Avoider on Count
Interactive Smart Dustbin
Stamping Machine
Clap Counter
Demo Day Milestone 2
Say Hello
Sending Invites
Controlling Motors
Self Driving Car
Odd/Even Identifier
Calculative Slider
Smart Pickup and Drop
Demo Day Milestone 3